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A health gift for you, teacher


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A health gift for you, teacher

Time: 2018-09-10

"Three feet on the stage with painstaking efforts, peach li manyuan xie shi en", "teacher" is a collection of mental work and physical labor in one of the occupation. As a result of long-term use throat time is long, stand for a long time, lie at a desk the job is tired, a lot of teacher sufferred from pharyngitis, neck lumbar disease and dry eye disease wait for occupational disease.

Throat discomfort: "protect your throat"

"When it comes to occupational diseases, the top priority must be the voice problem." Mr. Ran's wife, a teacher, kept lozenges in her pockets. Mr. Ran's wife said most of his co-workers in their office had problems with their voices. Colleagues often discuss the method of moistening one's voice in the office.

Liu jia, deputy director of the department of otolaryngology at chongqing jiangjin hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, said that excessive use of the voice can easily lead to excessive vocal fatigue, edge congestion, and even cause vocal polyps and vocal nodules. Sudden high vocalizations do the most damage and can easily cause congestion of the vocal cords. The best treatment for sore throats caused by overuse of the voice is "silent rest", rather than using lozenges. Lozenges can't be eaten for long.

Liu jia recommended "three treasures of the throat" to teachers.

Pear pear is soft and juicy, sweet, cold, with heat clearing, phlegm reduction and thirst quenching effect, can significantly relieve throat dryness. Pear can be eaten raw or cooked, drink juice or sliced porridge, soup can be taken. Pears, honey and water boil snow pear paste and crystal sugar pear water are simple and easy to do qingyan xiongqian drink. But because pear sex is cold, constitution deficiency cold, cold cough should not eat raw, must separate water to evaporate, fear cold limbs cold, stomach infirmity weak person should not eat more or had better not eat.

Water chestnuts, also known as horseshoe, has a good reputation as a snow pear. It has the functions of clearing lung and pharynx, removing phlegm and so on. In addition to eating raw, you can also cook, fry, burn, simmer. But water chestnuts are not easy to digest, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, poor digestion function and children, the elderly should not eat more. Be sure to peel or rinse before eating raw. Because water chestnuts grow in paddy fields, their skins collect toxic biological waste and chemicals, and they can harbor parasites.

White radish known as "small ginseng". In traditional Chinese medicine, eating radishes raw can clear the heat of the birth of tianjin, water, diuresis, expectoration and cough; And cooked partial to yipi and stomach, digestion of the next gas. In autumn, the meat of the radish is rich and moist, sweet and refreshing, raw eating to cough sputum much, laryngitis, voice hoarse people certain help. It's important to note that radishes are good, but not for everyone. Qi deficiency, Yang - deficiency constipation people eat, may aggravate the symptoms.

Cervical and lumbar spine diseases are more active

Zhang, who is only 27 years old, has been diagnosed with a variety of cervical and lumbar spine diseases such as cervical calcification and physiological curve straightening. "I've been feeling dizzy and headachy for two years. "Said miss zhang.

Steven wu, director of the division of chongqing city hospital rehabilitation a metro, points out that the teacher always prepares a lesson, revise and batch of examination paper, bowed their heads and desk for a long time, it is easy to cause the neck muscle tension, thus forming the neck muscles and ligaments chronic injury, serious turn into a cervical spondylosis, appear the symptom such as dizziness, headache, neck shoulder pain. Besides sitting for a long time, the teacher stands for a long time in class, the lumbar spine is under great pressure, and the lumbar muscle is always under tension. Additional, write board book to raise arm to also be easy to cause cervical back fastigitis, if do not deal with, besides ache aggravate outside, also can evolve into cervical vertebra, lumbar disease.

According to wu xinghua, the simplest way to prevent lumbar and cervical diseases is to avoid holding the same posture for a long time. Moderate exercise and adequate rest can prevent bone and muscle disease. Teachers can make full use of all exercise conditions, such as students between exercises, exercise together. Sit at a desk at ordinary times the working time is long, might as well do some simple movement, cervical vertebra rice word is held can alleviate neck muscle tension, extend the chest can practice back muscle, to control cervical spondylosis also have advantage, motion gist is to let upper arm incline to the body hind stretch, attention motion wants slow, cannot be too urgent.

Dry eye long press ten points

Dry eyes, itching, burning, pain, photophobia, decreased vision, less tears.. Mr. Chen has been feeling unwell recently. In order to relieve his fatigue, he often USES eye drops, but the effect is not good.

The teacher profession USES the eye most frequently, not only is busy preparing the lesson everyday, corrects the homework, also ADAPTS to the modern multimedia teaching need, USES the computer frequently in the spare time. Many teachers sometimes have to work until one or two in the morning to catch up on the multimedia courseware required for public classes. So it's no surprise that eye disorders are the most common occupational disease for teachers. Recommend ten points for eye protection to teachers.

This point is located in the middle of the line between the two eyebrows. Massaging this point can have the effect of calming the mind, stimulating the mind, improving the mind, relieving pain by wind, and activating the meridians. When massaging, put the middle finger on the yintang acupoint, press it 10 times with the strong point, then rub it 20~30 times clockwise and counterclockwise.

This point is located in the depression of the inner margin of the eyebrows. Massage this point can quickly relieve the eyelid beating, invisible, eye red swelling pain, tears in the wind, eyes congestion and other symptoms. When massaging, press the hole with your thumb and move it 20~30 times clockwise and counterclockwise.

The point is located in the middle of the eyebrows. Need to press this point gently 20 times, there is calm and calm, wind dredge.

This point is located in the depression of the eyebrow tip. Refers to gently press the point can effectively treat red swelling, eyelid e selections † § move, etc

Before temple temples, the most concave place behind brow tip is temple. Massaging the temples not only relieves fatigue, lifts the spirit, relieves pain and wakes the brain, but also effectively improves concentration. When massaging temples, it is best to use palm, rub palm hot, stick to temple, a little hard, clockwise, counterclockwise massage 10~20 times.

This point is located one centimeter on the outside of the eye. The point pressure can not only promote blood circulation of the eye, eliminate eye fatigue, but also effectively defer eyelid skin droop, remove wrinkles.

The acupoint is located at the junction between outer 1/4 and inner 3/4 of the inferior orbital rim. It can not only clear liver and clear eyes, but also promote absorption of small intestine and help digestion.

The pupil of the weeping point is straight down, between the eyeball and the lower edge of the orbit is the weeping point. This point is one of the most important points in the treatment of eye diseases. Combined with other relevant acupoints, the treatment of myopia, night blindness, presbyopia, cataract and other eye diseases is very effective.

This point is also called beauty point, in the lower orbital depression. When kneading this point, do not move your fingers. Do not make the dough too large. Repeat for 4 to 8 times, working clockwise and counterclockwise for 8 times. This point has the function of relaxing the meridians, nourishing the eyes and brightening the eyes.

The point is located in the depression above the Angle of the inner canthus. "Bright" has bright idea, so press knead this acupuncture point to have cool down to remove turbidity, clear hot bright eye, open body to guard the effect of god.

In many people's mind, only the elderly need health maintenance, in fact, health maintenance is a long road, the sooner you start this road, the more benefits.