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What food can cold eat in winter health? 6 foods are best for winter


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What food can cold eat in winter health? 6 foods are best for winter

Family doctor online November 20, 2018

Be afraid of cold hands and feet in winter, you should eat more warm up food, such as beef and mutton, red food, so that your body can keep warm. In winter, you should eat more food suitable for winter health care, and eat more often to keep your body warm.

What food can cold eat in winter health?

First, eat lean meat to supplement iron

Most women lack iron, so they are especially afraid of the cold in winter. If you don't want to be an ice queen in winter, women should add more iron to their daily lives, and enough iron can resist cold currents. Although the iron content in lean meat is not too high, its iron utilization rate is similar to that of pork liver, and it is easy to buy and process.

Second, eat more carrots to boost immunity

Eat carrot more in winter, can enhance physical strength and immunity, more conducive to recuperation viscera, warm up, nourishing and other effects. Saute carrots with Onions and olive oil, then add the boiling broth, season with a little salt, and drink lunch every day.

Third, eat chicken to supplement nutrition in winter

Chicken is eaten during the winter, when the skin is removed because the fat is almost all in the skin. Chicken is rich in nutrients and protein, and has excellent therapeutic effects for malnutrition, chills and cold, fatigue and irregular periods, ischemia and weakness.

Fourth, eating mutton nourishing in winter

Compared with pork, mutton contains more protein, less fat, more vitamins, more microelements, such as iron, zinc and selenium content is quite rich. In addition, the meat is tender, more conducive to digestion and absorption. In winter, eating more lamb helps boost the body's immune system. Lamb is higher in calories than beef and has long been considered a nutritious winter food against the cold.

Fifth, beef in winter to strengthen the body

Beef is warm, sweet and rich in vitamin a, protein, fat and mineral salts. Chinese medicine believes that beef has the effect of strengthening spleen and stomach and strengthening muscles and bones. If will cook the beef, put into dangshen, scallops to stew meat, not only sweet and delicious, but also can nourish the body and protect the blood.

Sixth, eating ginger can improve blood circulation in winter

In winter, in addition to adding more clothes to keep you warm, you can also eat some ginger to keep you warm to enhance your body's ability to protect. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger can be of spicy taste, warm, helpful in sweating, treating vomiting and helping detoxification. In winter, ginger can be used to treat exogenous wind chill, headache and cough, stomach cold and vomiting, as well as improve blood circulation and eliminate cold and pathogenic factors.

Winter is a good time to replenish food, because in summer the body consumes too much, and in winter because of the cold weather, this is the best time to replenish food. You can eat more food that helps warm your body, replenish blood and nourish your body.