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How to eat a healthy recommended 'rainbow diet'


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How to eat a healthy recommended 'rainbow diet'

2017-03-1099 health net

"Disease from mouth to mouth" eating out of disease is very easy, eat out of health is not easy, not only acute, gastrointestinal disease is eating out, even cardiovascular disease, diabetes is also mostly related to eating, dietary doctors think that scientific and reasonable diet is the key to ensure good health. The world health organization has long stated that 60% of cancer risk factors are determined by the individual's lifestyle. Of these 60 percent, diet is the most important!

The dietician recommends a "rainbow diet" for almost everyone. Eating every day on a "rainbow diet" is an effective way to adjust our diet. Dietiatrists recommend that the average person eat between five and 13 servings of the rainbow diet per day (one serving equals about 100 grams).

The rainbow diet

Red food

Super antioxidant function. Red food is rich in natural iron, protein, high-quality vitamins and minerals, which can improve immunity, prevent oxidation, reduce blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The red food that prankster suggests: red jujube, hawthorn, pomegranate, carrot, red chili, medlar, tomato, watermelon, red apple, strawberry, cherry; Beef, mutton, pork, pork liver are red meat, very nourishing.


Lower cholesterol. Orange food is rich in carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, anthocyanin, calcium, iron and dietary fiber, which can reduce cholesterol, protect eyesight, and assist in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Orange foods recommended by dieticians: orange, marigold, corn, millet, pumpkin, carrot, pineapple, lemon, soybean, oatmeal, papaya, orange, mango.

Green food

Super antioxidant function. Green food gives a person with pure and fresh, fresh sense, its contain a lot of pranpranal fiber, folic acid, vitamin, lutein, conduce to adjusting fat metabolization, prevent and cure atherosclerosis, enhance gastric bowel to digest a function.

The green food that dietician suggests: spinach, convolvulus, Chinese kale, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, small rape, western blue flower, green pepper, leek, green onion, towel gourd, cucumber, bitter gourd, green bean, pea, asparagus, cantaloupe.

White food

Super antioxidant function. White food mostly contains potassium, dietary fiber, conduce to maintain good blood environment, reduce adipose adherent, have certain profit to hypertensive and cardiomyopathy patient.

White food recommended by dieticians: chicken, fish, rice, glutinous rice, Chinese yam, lotus seed, almond, onion, winter melon, bamboo shoots, lotus root, milk, tofu, pear, lychee, coconut, white fungus, white radish, lily, etc.

Purple-black food

Super antioxidant function. Purple and black food materials are rich in anthocyanins, with strong antioxidant capacity, can enhance vascular toughness, help prevent cardiovascular diseases, protect the liver, eyes, skin and so on.

The purple black food that dieteur suggests: black rice, black sesame, agaric, black bean, purple sweet potato, purple cabbage, aubergine, beet, laver, kelp, black chicken, purple potato, mushroom, black jujube, grape, mulberry, black plum.

Prandial doctor points out the nutrient with human body necessary nearly 50 kinds, be short of one cannot, without a kind of natural food can satisfy all nutrient that human body needs, accordingly food diversification is the most basic requirement of balance. With the acceleration of the pace of life, lifestyle changes, for this reason, dietary doctors suggest reasonable and effective adjustment of our diet structure, choose more "rainbow diet".