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Good use of ginseng is treasure


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Good use of ginseng is treasure

Du guang shen lingling, department of pharmacy, tongji hospital affiliated to tongji medical college, huazhong university of science and technology

The 2014-04-18 health

Ginseng is the dried root of Panax ginseng c.a.ey, which is a perennial herb of acanthaceae, mainly produced in jilin, liaoning and heilongjiang.

It is the best remedy for deficiency

Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine, sweet, slightly bitter, mild nature, spleen, lung, heart, kidney meridian, qi male body run, up more than down. It can fill gas solid, spleen and lung, calming nerves and mind, have the effect of blood fluid, attending a serious illness, a long illness, caused by loss of blood, fluid from god to take off and exhausted micro pulse, temper of food less tired, vomiting, diarrhea, lung qi weakness weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, cough, insomnia forgetful insomnia of deficiency of heart failure, the body sweat, jin kui of thirsty, diabetes, blood deficiency chlorosis, dizziness, kidney impotence, urinary frequency, etc.

Many species, many effects

According to different planting methods, ginseng can be divided into garden ginseng and wild mountain ginseng. According to the different processing methods, it is divided into raw and dried ginseng, sugar ginseng, white ginseng, red ginseng; According to the origin, it is divided into Chinese ginseng and Korean ginseng.

Raw and dried ginseng: garden ginseng dried or dried, called raw and dried ginseng. It is mild in nature, mild in temperature and dry, which can not only replenish qi, but also produce saliva, and is suitable for nourishing and removing pathogenic factors, strengthening physique and disease resistance.

Sugar ginseng: the fresh root of ginseng with needle hole, soaked in sugar water after drying, said sugar ginseng. Its most gentle, relatively small effectiveness, spleen and lung of the work.

White ginseng: choose more short, inferior quality ginseng, with boiling water boiling moment, and then dried.

Red ginseng: steam with high temperature for two hours until fully cooked, then remove the stems after drying, then compressed into irregular square column, dry. It has the property of warming and tonifying, and it has the property of being strong, warm and dry in tonifying qi.

Korean ginseng: is produced in Korea ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng, according to Korea transliteration for Korean ginseng. Its quality medicine is superior to the domestic cultivator, but inferior to wild ginseng. The red ginseng imported from north Korea, is called don't direct ginseng, taste, function with domestic red ginseng, but stronger medicine.

Prevent abuse step by step

Modern medical research has found that ginseng has a good effect on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, endocrine system and urinary and reproductive system, can improve physical and mental activity ability, enhance the body's non-specific resistance to harmful stimulation.

However, improper use of ginseng is likely to cause "ginseng abuse syndrome", which is manifested as euphoria, central excitement, insomnia, systemic roseola, pruritus, dizziness, headache, elevated body temperature and bleeding. It has long been known that "ginseng kills without fault, rhubarb saves without merit", so the use of ginseng must be under the guidance of doctors, starting from a small dose, not long-term large application, especially children, pregnant women should be cautious.

Taking the forbidden

1. Positive evidence is forbidden. Ginseng is a kind of tonic for qi, suitable for weak body, deficiency of qi and blood, shortness of breath, anemia and neurasthenia, and heat syndrome, dampness-heat syndrome and qi deficiency is forbidden. Whether it is red ginseng or raw sun-cured ginseng, in the process of eating should be step by step, not to rush, overdose. Additional, want to notice seasonal change, general autumn winter season weather is cool, have food better; It is not fit to eat in hot summer.

2. Avoid radish after taking. It is the most important function of ginseng to strengthen the vitality. Radish (including carrot, white radish and green radish) and all kinds of seafood can be avoided after taking ginseng. "Modern research that radish digestion diuresis, and the ancient view of the same. These two complement qi, a lower gas, just offset, so there is a bogey.

Avoid drinking tea. Do not drink tea after taking ginseng to avoid damaging the effects of ginseng.

4. Avoid hardware cookware. No matter it is Fried or stewed, do not use hardware cooker.

Avoid eating with grapes. People's participation in grape co-eating will damage the nutrition, because the tannic acid in grape is easy to combine with the protein in ginseng to precipitate, affecting absorption and reducing the efficacy.