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What should pixu eat? Chinese medicine experts to help


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What should pixu eat? Chinese medicine experts to help

January 30, 2019 family doctor online

Spleen deficiency is a common health problem in daily life. As the saying goes, "food is better than medicine", for people with spleen deficiency, how to recuperate is the key.

Yang jie, director of the department of gastroenterology at guangzhou hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, said, "the best food to nourish the stomach and strengthen the spleen is the rice we usually eat. In addition, also can eat more lotus root, chestnut, pumpkin, carrot, yam, taro, potatoes and other mild food, they contain more nutrients, and has the role of spleen and stomach.

Yang jie, director of department of gastroenterology, guangzhou hospital of traditional Chinese medicine

In addition, you can also eat the following 7 kinds of food properly, but you should pay attention to them:

1, meat: such as beef, chicken, rabbit, lean pork, tripe, pork belly, etc., can be in shape to shape, stomach and spleen. But eat to be able to feel bilge sometimes gas, besides itself intestines and stomach has a problem, also want to notice to want right amount to eat, cannot covet much. Need to remind is, had better not eat fat pork, because it is more zi is bored with, eat hind digest hard, as a result affects splenic carry change.

2. Medlar: medlar is a kind of good medicine for nourishing Yin and tonifying kidney. If the spleen and stomach are not good, it will hinder the operation and change.

3. Angelica sinensis: angelica sinensis has the function of tonifying blood, regulating menstruation, and nourishing blood and activating blood. It is a kind of compound crude drug. Cooperate astragalus root, white peony to wait, can rise to adjust the effect of qi and blood to adjust classics.

4, pepper: pepper is rich in vitamins, and hot and spicy, have a great stimulation to the stomach. In general, after eating pepper, the biggest feeling is sweating, but can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve blood circulation, the spleen and stomach cold people can play a certain role, but if the stomach pain after eating, may be too strong stimulation, it is necessary to control the amount of intake.

5, radish: as the saying goes, "winter to eat radish summer ginger, no doctor prescription", radish itself to reduce phlegm gas, but slightly cooler, not recommended to eat; If want really, can when cooking, put a bit of ginger, pepper to improve its cool sex essence.

6, wine: wine is hot and humid, and will stimulate the stomach, but a small amount of alcohol can warm channels and collaterals, so, it is recommended that people with spleen deficiency can drink, should not drink, and to avoid drinking beer.

7, coffee: the right amount of caffeine can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, but when drinking coffee, it is not recommended to add milk or sugar, because sugar wet, milk is not easy to digest and greasy, easy to affect the operation of the spleen, just drink coffee, the right amount can, but not a lot of drink, easy to affect the secretion of gastric acid.

At the same time, director Yang jie also stressed that people with spleen deficiency are not recommended to eat cold food, easy to gas, such as bitter gourd, wax gourd, mung beans. And, also had better not drink cool tea, pixu mostly cold coagulation qi is stagnant, get cold stimulation, qi and blood run bad, drink cool tea to be able to bring instead adverse effect.

Can pixu eat free and unfettered pill and black chicken baifeng pill?

Director Yang jie at the same time, also have mentioned xiaoyao pill and wuji baifeng pills on the influence of crowd pixu (spleen deficient), she says, xiaoyao pill is pharmacopoeia "taiping huimin and agent in the ancient book of a classic prescription, with liver spleen, nourishing blood regulate the menstrual function, because contain some of the spleen and" shugan decoction "drugs, so, liver depression, something flourishing pixu (spleen deficient) or emotional instability, can eat some appropriate xiaoyao pill.

But the person of pixu had better not eat black chicken baifeng pill, this kind of nourishing Chinese traditional medicine may hinder stomach, also may appear belly bilge and constipation phenomenon. "Wuji baifeng pill is a kind of holy medicine for gynecology, which is a combination of wugu baimao chicken and traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating blood and promoting blood circulation. It has the function of nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and warming up the body, but it is somewhat sticky. It is recommended for healthy women to take it after menstruation."

Finally, director Yang jie also said, the man spleen and stomach cold, in addition to qi deficiency, also may have cold deficiency, can eat more ginger, garlic, leek, bergamot, kumquat line temperature tonic food; Jujube, lotus seed, Gordon uryale and so on can firm the kidney astringent essence, also has certain effect to the spleen and stomach.